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IFCA World Rankings - Rules and Regulations

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IFCA World Rankings - Rules and Regulations Empty IFCA World Rankings - Rules and Regulations

Post by IFCA GTDon Fri Mar 28, 2008 1:17 pm

What is it?

It is the top 250 best Forza 2 drivers in the world according to the IFCA. It is based on overall :

- Hot Lap
- Time Trials
- IFCA sanctioned series wins
- IFCA Match Race wins
- T10 HLC
- Major tournament performance
- even some opinion/argue polls

Is the list perfect?

In a word, no. The list will always be in a stage of acquiring perfection, but it is an accurate snap shot that can be relied upon to see (for the first time ever in the history of the game), who really is the overall #1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and so on

Is #1 really the best Forza2 driver in the world?

Possibly so, but until the list evolves and becomes more accurate, greater and greater meaning will be attached to the #1 position

Is #250th really the worst driver on the list?

Probably not. Rest assured ALL 250 drivers on this list are well above any average regularly playing Forza2 driver by a fair margin. This is the most elite list ever tabulated for this purpose. However there are still dozens of highly skilled drivers that may not have made this list for various good reasons. The only drivers that have been purposely excluded are those who have for a long time been inactive. Even the few who have been banned from IFCA events, or banned from the IFCA website, have been included on this list

This list will be revised about every 3 months. We hope to add a few more data points by that time as well, not the least of which will be any future challenge match results for supremacy on the list. Should a challenge match occur, the result will immediately effect a change on the list. Actual head to head competition takes precedence over pure statistical superiority on this list, and is technically the quickest way to move to the top

What happens if i win or lose?

If the Challenger wins, he will be awarded the rank of his defeated opponent. The loser on the other hand will only slide 1 rank below where he was. If the challenger losses however, he will slide 1 rank down. Both the effort, and eventual gain can be great for the challenger, and the loss minimal for either loser is the point. It is for this reason that the higher ranked drivers should not be too fearful to accept challenges IFCA World Rankings - Rules and Regulations Icon_wink

So, here we go!

Match Race - Rules and Regulations

- You may only challenge another driver who is no more than 20 places above you
=== If your ranking is between 200 and 250, you may challenge 50 places above you
=== If you are not currently ranked, you can challenge up to ranking 200
- A superior ranked driver does not have to accept any challenge
- Maximum of 2 challenges at a time please!

How to Challenge

Create a new thread with the title of the proposed match - e.g VVV Chilledheat Vs TRC Smokinu. In the opening post, you must state in following format:

Challenger : (rank number - driver)
Challenged : (rank number - driver)
Track : (track selection)

*Unranked drivers cannot choose the track*

At this point, you should now get in contact with the driver through an Xbox Live Message, with a message such as:
"Hello (insert name), i have challenged you to an IFCA World Rankings Match - it would be good to race if you want. For more information, visit ifcaracing.com!"

If accepted, discussions will now take place!

Challenge Accepted!

- The Challenged driver gets to choose the car and class to race in (If wanted and agreed, you can set more specific criteria, such as a Spec built car, or PI limit etc)
=== the car can be any car, any class, any PI
- You must then agree a time to race!

Lets Race!

- It will be a best of 3 races, 10 laps each
- Each driver should be on Poll at least once
- If the first two races are won by the same driver, the match is over, and no third tie breaker race will take place

(Collisions ON, Damage Limited, Simulation Tyres and Fuel, Any Assists)

What Now?

You must now post the result in your race thread! Please give us an account of your challenge so we can congratulate or commiserate your efforts!

Good Luck with your Challenges!

Last edited by VVV GTDon on Sat Dec 27, 2008 11:40 am; edited 8 times in total


Posts : 14744

Local : Minnesota, USA

Registration date : 2007-04-04

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XBL Gamertag: GTDon2
IFCA Car #: 4
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