TORA and TURN merger
TORA and TURN merger
Fascinating, just days after the IFCA announced a new direction to become more a hub for different series, and a ratings and rankings organization, instead of tournament creator, TURN and TORA see the light as well, and have merged for some of the same reasons.
Leagues are finally realizing that with too many series events it only hurts everyone and becomes too thin. Better is to consolidate and unify under less banners. In this way larger events with more drivers of different skills can compete together for epic battles.
We wish the merger well!
Leagues are finally realizing that with too many series events it only hurts everyone and becomes too thin. Better is to consolidate and unify under less banners. In this way larger events with more drivers of different skills can compete together for epic battles.
We wish the merger well!
"Piggy" aka "The Pig"
Posts : 14790
Local : Minnesota, USA
Registration date : 2007-04-04
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XBL Gamertag: GTDon2
IFCA Car #: 4
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