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Happy Holidays

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Happy Holidays Empty Happy Holidays

Post by Guest Sun Dec 23, 2012 5:26 pm

To all my friends (and my enemies),

It is 2 days before christmas and I felt it right to wish you all a happy holiday no matter what you're beliefs may be. Christmas is a time of sharing, happiness and showing the ones you love that you do indeed still love them. No matter who you are, what you do, how bad you have it, there is someone out there that has it worse. Always remember that and try to spread the holiday cheer to those who need it the most.

Over the years I have made a lot of friends through this game, Rivalries have also been sparked. These things happen in real life at the track and in life in general. Some times we say or do things that can be hurtful to people without thinking. It may not even register right away that we have wronged that person and put them down. This is part of human nature and is acceptable but will not go overlooked if it persists. In the spirit of the holidays I would like to appoligize to any of you that I have ever done wrong. I would also like to say that I accept the bad that has came my way over the years and understand that this is the human way.

I am glad to know that there are good people in the world today. This can tend to be a rare quality in the general public but it makes you that much better as a person. I guess what i'm getting to is, no matter how bad you'r day may be going, no matter how much you want to give up, no matter how much you wish things could be different. Accept the cards you have been delt and do what you must to better the situation you are in as well as the lonely man on the corner looking for a bite to eat. I know it can be a hard task to stand up for the "right" things in life and much easier to just turn you're head and keep going but without honest, helpful people in the world, it would be a dark place.

Thank you all for you're time and patience, I hope this brought back some x-mas spirit to those in need. Give you're family hugs, tell them you love them. Go the extra length to make them smile. The little things too often go overlooked in life. This is the time to do those little things.

I wish you all a safe and happy holiday and remember. No good deed will go unnoticed so try to make someone else's holiday merry as well.

Kickrocks29 santa rendeer


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Happy Holidays Empty Re: Happy Holidays

Post by IFCA GTDon Sun Dec 23, 2012 7:49 pm

Ah, a sentiment well shared my friend. Good words for all, and to all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Happy Holidays 20160110
"Piggy" aka "The Pig"


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Happy Holidays Empty Re: Happy Holidays

Post by Guest Tue Dec 25, 2012 10:43 am

Merry Christmas!


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