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Incident and protest thread

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Incident and protest thread  Empty Incident and protest thread

Post by Guest Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:35 am

This is the place where on track incidents are discussed and adjudicated.


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Incident and protest thread  Empty Re: Incident and protest thread

Post by Guest Sat Dec 08, 2012 2:09 pm

Good day to all at the ifca. I am not happy that I haveto post this on you're forum but I have a bit of a problem with the way things were handled last night at the super tuner 2 room. I have known you all for quite a while and would not complain about something if I didn't feel I needed to. With that being said, a few of the cars that were allowed to run last night were not exactly "fair" to run. The ford xb falcon is known to all that run B class as a leaderboard car. It was called out before the race and still allowed to run. It was proven durring the race with the driver setting a time around 600th place on the lb. The 190e appears 7 times in the top 55 on motegi speedway and was still allowed to run. The 05nsx is known to be the fastest car in the game in every class it is built for. I am an honest man and Did not go build anything that would overly dominate. My appoligy to the drivers of those cars as well as the officials in this series but I felt this was the right thing to do by voicing my opinion. All of that aside, I had a great time last night and look forward to running again on Sunday but I do not know that I will run again if these cars are on the grid. I know for a fact that others feel the same way. I would hate for such a good series to fall apart for this reason. I hope you take this all into consideration and make your adjustments accordingly.
Thank you, in the spirit of Forza and the IFCA.


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Incident and protest thread  Empty Re: Incident and protest thread

Post by Guest Sat Dec 08, 2012 2:20 pm

Im sure there was an oversight along with miscommunication, Kickrocks....we will look into it and hash it out.lol.


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Incident and protest thread  Empty Re: Incident and protest thread

Post by IFCA GTDon Sat Dec 08, 2012 2:22 pm

Glad to hear your voice kick, you're not alone in this opinion. Others have voiced tge same opinion, andas a result series manager oneshot has been informed. We await his decision...

Incident and protest thread  20160110
"Piggy" aka "The Pig"


Posts : 14744

Local : Minnesota, USA

Registration date : 2007-04-04

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XBL Gamertag: GTDon2
IFCA Car #: 4
Infractions: 0 out of 3,000,000,000


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Incident and protest thread  Empty Re: Incident and protest thread

Post by Guest Sat Dec 08, 2012 2:33 pm

Thank you guys


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Incident and protest thread  Empty Re: Incident and protest thread

Post by Guest Sat Dec 08, 2012 2:59 pm

I heard people complain about cars and it should have been handled before the race IMO.I guess the c5 was the only official car banned but in the future maybe if there is an issue let's all take care of it at that moment.


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Incident and protest thread  Empty Re: Incident and protest thread

Post by Guest Sat Dec 08, 2012 4:20 pm

wizard will not lose his points,because i didnt post the 190e.He will have to use a new car next week.The xb falcon and NSX are not in the top 100 on the 4 tracks we are racing so they
are fine.leaderboard cars are from the top 100 only.
I didnt put to 190e on because it was only on super speedway,but it is a leaderboard car.


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Incident and protest thread  Empty Re: Incident and protest thread

Post by Guest Sat Dec 08, 2012 6:46 pm

Well the top 100 is not possibly enough to calculate a leaderboard car. Everyone has their own opinions as well so that is respectable but there is a reason why I only brought the car that I brought. I will not make sure to take advantage of loopholes and mistakes in the future because I believe it will destroy the integrity of the series along with the sanctioning body around it. It will also take away the FUN of running structured races with the IFCA. For this reason I will not be participating in the rest of this season to race for second. Appreciate the invite and was looking forward to these races but it is ok. I wish you all the best of luck in the rest of you're races.


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Incident and protest thread  Empty Re: Incident and protest thread

Post by Guest Mon Dec 10, 2012 7:48 am

well you do what you have to,but popeye is that fast.so it dont matter what he was in,he was going to win.here is another thought,if you think that 190e put them times up with less than 400hp and weighing more than 3200lb your nuts.


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Incident and protest thread  Empty Re: Incident and protest thread

Post by IFCA GTDon Mon Dec 10, 2012 8:49 am

AAR OneShot wrote:well you do what you have to,but popeye is that fast.so it dont matter what he was in,he was going to win.here is another thought,if you think that 190e put them times up with less than 400hp and weighing more than 3200lb your nuts.

With all due respect and just so you know Oneshot, Popeye fast though he is, is not THAT fast. He's not so fast that he could run over a second faster than everyone else in any car that anyone else had. On a relative scale, he's about as fast as I am in equal cars, and that's it. With respect to Popeye, he's not as fast as many of the elite drivers I know to be much faster like PoTthed, Rayzer, SP33D RAC3R, b0x, Lou, Gambit, Diablo and many others.

The problem with a leaderboard car, is that even when built with equality to the other cars it tends to still be superior. Leaderboard cars just have the right combination of balance, and speed vs other cars. It's too bad that the Falcon wasn't recognized in time, or that the rules were not strict enough to eliminate all the leaderboard cars in the entire class. Popeye no doubt saw this flaw and took advantage of the opening. Can't really blame him, he's new here, and didn't know if anyone else might run a lesser known leaderboard car.

My feeling is that as a faster driver I don't need the fastest car to compete. I'd rather the racing be closer than that. And I can tell you, with IFCA ratings points on the line, some drivers will be unwilling to give them away to a driver who happens to be very fast, in a car that is hands down far better than what they must drive.

It's a short season though, and maybe next season you can adjust the rules to prevent this kind of problem is my suggestion. The drivers really do like the format, and the series has the making for being very fun.

Incident and protest thread  20160110
"Piggy" aka "The Pig"


Posts : 14744

Local : Minnesota, USA

Registration date : 2007-04-04

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XBL Gamertag: GTDon2
IFCA Car #: 4
Infractions: 0 out of 3,000,000,000


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Incident and protest thread  Empty Re: Incident and protest thread

Post by Guest Mon Dec 10, 2012 11:38 pm

Well put Don. I would have to agree with all of that. I do not know this fella Popeye, nor did I want to point out anyone's name on here. It is not his fault that the car was allowed to run. He managed to grab a win.

Respectfully I would like to agree to disagree with you're comment OneShot. Here's a thought. What would have happened if I or someone else showed up in a falcon or Popeye in a similar car to the field? Are you insinuating that I or they would not be good enough to win the race? There is no need to answer that question, you're opinion has already been stated. I take that as an insult and it really doesn't look good for you having bias as an official.

With that being said, I am not trying to stir anything up here. For the record, I do not dislike anyone and I hope my comments were not taken with ill intent. I followed the procedure of letting the officials handle the rules and the race. protest in the appropriate spot on the forum. Honestly I do not appreciate the hostile response I received from you but that is ok.

And FYI, I am NUTS


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Incident and protest thread  Empty Re: Incident and protest thread

Post by Guest Tue Dec 11, 2012 1:51 am

I just so happened to see my name being called out so I guess I should say something....

To start off I built many Fords for this super tuner series and tested them all. The Falcon happened to be the fastest. I then checked leader boards to confirm that it is not a leader board car and it was not. So it was an obvious choice to me... However, the car I chose is apparently a "on the border" leader board car. I was not taking advantages, jumping through loop holes, or deliberately building a car that overly dominates. I simply did not know. I have never raced in a B class lobby and have only hot lapped on Nurburgring for the class. This is probably why i was unaware of the Falcon's status.

Had the car been on the banned list or I was told that it was not allowed in the lobby, I would have picked another car. To clear up any problems for the next race I will gladly change my car if permitted. I would much rather race with an equal car than have the fastest one in the pack anyways.....

If there are anymore problems involving me, please bring them to my attention on XBL next time.


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Incident and protest thread  Empty Re: Incident and protest thread

Post by Guest Tue Dec 11, 2012 2:17 am

I don't have any problems with you to clarify any misconception. I'm sure you understand what you have read. I respect you're offer to change you're car.


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Incident and protest thread  Empty Re: Incident and protest thread

Post by Guest Tue Dec 11, 2012 2:56 am

Your posts were very respectable so I took no offense, just wanted to clear up any insinuations.


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Incident and protest thread  Empty Re: Incident and protest thread

Post by IFCA GTDon Tue Dec 11, 2012 5:37 am

Very well then, problem solved. It's refreshing to see such passion restrained by good sportsmanship and mutual respect. Especially by the seriously fast drivers among us. This gives hope to those of us in the IFCA who are trying to get faster, and is a great example to us all on how to conduct a protest in a civil way.

Many thanks to everyone who voiced their opinion. It is recommended to Oneshot (Series Manager) that POPEYE be allowed to select a new car for the benefit of the series, and in the name of closer more competitive racing.

Incident and protest thread  20160110
"Piggy" aka "The Pig"


Posts : 14744

Local : Minnesota, USA

Registration date : 2007-04-04

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XBL Gamertag: GTDon2
IFCA Car #: 4
Infractions: 0 out of 3,000,000,000


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Incident and protest thread  Empty Re: Incident and protest thread

Post by Guest Tue Dec 11, 2012 8:12 am

popeye can race any car he likes even the falcon


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Incident and protest thread  Empty Re: Incident and protest thread

Post by Guest Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:37 pm

Ok so here are a few more cars I have built. Please let me know if any of them are a problem

1969 Shelby GT500 428CJ
1968 Shelby GT-500KR
1970 Mercury Cougar Eliminator

and if muscle cars are a problem

2004 Mercedes C32 AMG


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Incident and protest thread  Empty Re: Incident and protest thread

Post by IFCA GTDon Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:47 pm

I'd say any of those will work without a problem. Thanks for your effort to keep things relatively competitive. This is in keeping with the sporting spirit of the IFCA.

Incident and protest thread  20160110
"Piggy" aka "The Pig"


Posts : 14744

Local : Minnesota, USA

Registration date : 2007-04-04

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XBL Gamertag: GTDon2
IFCA Car #: 4
Infractions: 0 out of 3,000,000,000


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